Reintegration 2nd track Support for Expats, Non-Dutch speakers
What is a Reintegration 2nd track?
An employee who is ill generally returns to work after a while. Sometimes, however, there is long-term absenteeism and it becomes clear that the employee cannot return to his or her own job.
If there are then also no more possibilities in other positions within your company (first track), reintegration second track (2nd track) starts. As part of reintegration, you are obliged to cooperate in this. But there are, of course, many rules attached to it. Under the Wet Verbetering Poortwachter, you have to support the employee in finding suitable work with a new employer.
Second track? So what is the first track?
During the reintegration process, the first step is to see whether suitable work can be found or organised for you with your current employer. This may involve (part of) your current work, but we may also look at other work with your employer. This is called the first track process.
Within this first-track process, we look for instance at the possibility of adapting your work, making provisions around your workplace, partly resuming your work or by scheduling your shifts at different times. These possibilities will be included in the Action Plan for your reintegration.
When does the second track programme start?
However, is reintegration with your current employer (1st track) not possible? Then reintegration with another employer (2nd track) comes into the picture.
Within absence counselling, the first track and second track can also be used simultaneously in certain cases. However, the reintegration file must clearly state when the second track starts. The company doctor or employment expert indicates whether the second track should be started.
When the first track is not feasible, your employer is legally obliged to start a second track. This second-track programme can already be started in the first week of your reintegration programme (which is 8 weeks after your first sick leave). The latest start is the 52nd week of your work disability. A second track programme is usually completed within one year and at the latest within two years
2nd Track: the right to career guidance in difficult times

Together Abroad Career Guidance assists in looking for new job opportunities and conducting networking and job interviews. This may ultimately result in a career switch or a new job as an extension of previous work. Questions such as: Who am I? What can I do? Who is waiting for me? What do I really want? You learn to deal with the uncertainty and stress of reintegration. A work experience placement, internship or secondment can help. You are offered a solid network for professional information, networking and job opportunities. A coaching process for reintegration second track is suitable for employees of different ages and experiences.
Phase 1: Personal Orientation
Every second track process starts with an extensive intake interview. Here, we take stock of the employee's qualities, skills and possibilities. If necessary, an assessment can help discover which job or profession is right for your employee. In addition, we look at whether there are obstacles in the private situation that may stand in the way of successful reintegration in the second track. The starting point in our working method is to work with the employee to make any existing private problems manageable and to increase the employee's own ability to manage them.
Phase 2: Labour market orientation
Based on the insights gained, we draw up a pathway plan. The aim is to help the employee find suitable work as soon as possible. In a job he feels good about and in which he can use his talents and energy. Has the mediation profile been clearly mapped out and are any obstructing factors under control? Then we explore the labour market. We relate the mediation profile to current job opportunities.
Phase 3: Developing job application skills
During this phase, we offer support in selecting companies and provide guidance on curriculum vitae, cover letters and presentation method
Phase 4: Labour market approach
The search profile is actively promoted to various employers. Work experience places, trial placements and secondment opportunities are sought. For this purpose, we make use of BeauAvis' extensive national employer network. In addition, we have our own online Job portal. For each employee, we set up a search profile so that vacancies are highlighted daily. Through the job search engine, we can see how active and which vacancies are applied for.
We take personal aspects into account, as well as the labour market situation so that no potential opportunities are missed.
Phase 5: Work and after-care
A new beginning is always exciting. Therefore, BeauAvis keeps in touch with the employee and the new employer during the first period after placement. Any bottlenecks are discussed and resolved to secure the placement and prevent relapse.
If you have been offered outplacement support, or to start your outplacement program please contact Together Abroad
Linda van Orsouw Founder Together Abroad
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