A large and well-established network is often beneficial for your personal and professional development. Networking is a powerful tool and support system throughout your professional career, including those times you are seeking a job. Since networking can be a challenging process, there are some practical methods that can help you expand and maintain your network.
A major benefit of networking is when someone from your network becomes aware of a job opening that fits your profile. You are likely to be the first to come to mind and be informed or recommended for the position. In fact, recommendations are a major outcome of a large network, especially during the job-hunting process. When you apply for a job and you have a strong contact to recommend you, or even a mutual contact on LinkedIn, it will be viewed as an extra verification and a motivating push for the recruiter to consider your application.
One way to expand your network is to occasionally attend professional meet-ups and conferences. It is the perfect opportunity to mingle with other competent professionals in your field, and you never know whom you will meet and how they could be of help to you. However, the key is not about the quantity of connections you have, but the quality, so invest some time with those you already know. For instance, it is better to have frequent communication with ten people, by exchanging information and tips for your job or changes in the market, rather than have a monthly interaction with thirty people with a simple update.
Networking maintenance is essential. Keep attending meet-ups; invite your contacts to interesting events and conferences [even if it is for a casual drink]. Besides, everyone wants to find the perfect job and to expand his or her network, and at the same time to relax while doing so. Socialize through social media platforms, exchange stories and learn from each other.
There might be tough situations throughout your career, and a strong network could really help you out. However, it is a two-way street, meaning that you will also have to provide support when needed. This is a key method to maintain your network, and even expand it in the future, since you will have built a compelling reputation within your circle of connections.
The sector you work in will also influence the size of your network. For example, in Communications, Marketing, and Business industries, expanding and maintaining a network can be crucial for the job, because of the job’s nature itself. Contrary to job sectors like Engineering or programming, where networks are typically smaller. An advertiser needs to know more people—the bigger the audience, the more acceptances—augmenting as a result the success of the job.
To put it in a nutshell, having a large and strong network is significantly beneficial, both during the job seeking process and throughout your professional career. It is likely your network will often pass along insight into a wider range of career opportunities, and even if you are not looking for a job at that moment, it could be something that will change your career perspective.
By Myrto Koulama