There are a number of channels how one can find work in the Netherlands.These jobs may be not even published at the companies careersites. Together Abroad gives workshops on regular basis on how to find a job in the Netherlands. For more information check our events calendar
Hidden jobs in the Netherlands:
Were can we find the hidden jobs in the Netherlands?
Due to the the crisis of 2009-2011 a lot of companies hire the professionals directly avoiding recruitment agencies and publication of vacancies on expensive jobboards.
Recruitment agencies in the Netherlands :
There are about 20 different recruitment agencies in the Netherlands specialising in hiring multilingual professionals which can be of value for finding work in the Netherlands. Please mind that most of the agencies do not provide work permit for international employees who do not come from European Union (EU) country, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland .Get aquainted with recruitment agencies in the Netherlands cooperating with Together Abroad
Job search engines:
Job search engines like safari, jobrapido and trovit could be a great tool for finding job in the Netherlands. They accumulate vacancies published on both jobboards and sites of recruitment agencies
Social networks:
Be aware that employers look up the potential candidates on social networks (Twitter, Hyves,Linkedin,Facebook ). Linkedin has become the main reference of your success and the business card of the candidates. It's very convenient ...all information:employment history, education, references, interests, connections…it’s all there.
Since 2010, the candidates applying for the vacancies published on the career portal of Together Abroad can simplify the whole process by choosing to use their Linkedin profile instead of the standard CV/ resume.
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