- Layout of your CV
The standard layout of a CV has a chronological order where the “work experience” section stands before “education” and “other activities”. However, in the case of little to no real practical experience, feel free to shift the organization of your CV. Start with your education and the list of non-real-work practice you have that gave you the skills and knowledge relevant to the job position you are applying for. - Emphasis on the other activities
Voluntary work, school projects, personal projects and experiences, hobbies, club memberships, and so on. A “9-to-5” paid job is not the only source of work experience you can get. However, it is important when listing those activities to make sure it is relevant information. For example, listing random school projects you’ve organized is not the best strategy. What is more, don’t forget that employers are not only interested in what you have done, but how you have done it, what did you learn and what can you do now. Thus, it is also important to learn to recognize your potential and how to show it. - What are you good at?
Losing focus can be a problem when trying to convince the recruiters how great you are by explaining everything you can think of, that can be remotely relevant or helpful for getting that job, with either big chunks of text or too much unimportant information. Pick a couple of experiences you’ve had that are mostly relevant for the job and focus on them. Quality, not quantity, plays an important role. Furthermore, don’t forget to include as well your personal traits and skills, not only your achievements. The first section of your CV, the “personal profile”, is the place to do that. Shortly and consistently describe what you can offer to the employer. That is one of the most important parts of your CV, because it is the first impression the recruiter is going to get about you. - Be persistent, honest and critical
Not having real practical work experience is a challenge that has to be overcome eventually, thus giving up after a few unsuccessful attempts is not really an option. Be honest with yourself about the situation. It is not the most desirable one, but you have to do your best with what you have. And last but not least, be critical. Examine and improve your CV, your job search attitude and approaches, your strategies as much as possible and as often as needed.
By: Iva Plocheva