National Health Insurance in the Neherlands
Health insurance provides insurance cover for the cost of medical care. If you work and pay income tax in the Netherlands, you are subject to Dutch social security legislation. This means that you are obliged by law to take out health insurance in the Netherlands. A health insurance policy is a Dutch insurance policy that provides coverage for healthcare costs and meets the requirements of the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet). Even if you are already insured for healthcare costs in your own country, you still have to take out health insurance in the Netherlands. You must have Dutch health insurance for the whole time that you work in the Netherlands. (Exemption: if your country of residency is another EEA state (European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein or Switzerland and you also work in that country, you can be insured in your home country based on EU regulation 1408/71). Ask the SVB (Sociale Verzekerings Bank) for more information. There are also a number of cases in which you are not subjected to Dutch social security law because of your purpose and duration of stay (posted workers, students etc.). Read more about this in the section ‘other kinds of Health Insurances’.
What do you need to do to take out health insurance in the Nerherlands?
You must take out health insurance in the Netherlands from a health insurance provider yourself. Your employer may offer collective health insurance at reduced rates for the company’s staff and you may be eligible to join the scheme. Ask your employer for more details. Every health insurance provider in the Netherlands is obliged to accept you for insurance under the basic health insurance package. Your health and age are irrelevant. The healthcare covered by the basic health insurance package is the same for every health insurance provider. The premium payable may vary, depending on the health insurance provider. Children under 18 years of age do not pay a premium. If you work in the Netherlands, any family members (partner and children) resident in a treaty country are entitled to have their healthcare costs in their country of residence paid for under their Dutch insurance policy.
You must therefore pay a contribution for any family members over the age of 18. In order to receive healthcare under Dutch insurance in their country of residence, your family members will need to register. Ask your healthcare insurance provider for a registration form.
Please note: The healthcare insurance provider will need a Social Security Number (BSN) in order to complete the registration process. You will generally be issued a BSN when you register with the municipality.
You can find more information on the healthcare insurance system in the Netherlands on the website of the Ministry of Health.
Source Expat Centre Twente