** HR daily news
Navigating the Challenges of Global Mobility: Why Spouse Career Support Matters

Global mobility has become increasingly common in today's globalized economy. Pursuing an international career can be a rewarding experience, but it can also bring significant challenges, particularly for accompanying spouses. One of the most significant challenges is the impact it can have on their spouse's career.
Many spouses have established careers, professional networks, and support systems, which they leave behind when moving to a new country. This can be particularly challenging for those who have invested years of time and effort into building their careers and establishing themselves in their chosen field. Moreover, giving up a career can have significant financial implications for the family. The emotional and psychological impact of uprooting one's life and starting anew in a foreign country can be overwhelming. Feelings of isolation, disorientation, and frustration can quickly set in.
Recognizing these challenges, organizations need to prioritize spouse career support. By providing resources, guidance, and networking opportunities for spouses, organizations can help ensure that the entire family thrives in their new environment. Offering such programs not only benefits the accompanying spouse but also the employee, as it can help to alleviate the stress of managing the family's transition and ensure a smoother relocation process. Additionally, offering...
"Beyond the Employee: Why Including Spouse Career Support in Relocation Discussions is Crucial for Success"

"Beyond the Employee: Why Including Spouse Career Support in Relocation Discussions is Crucial for Success"
Relocating for a job can be a daunting task, not just for the employee but also for their spouse/partner and family. However, too often, companies only communicate with the employee about the relocation, leaving the family to endure the brunt of the move. This approach can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and reduced productivity, ultimately affecting the employee's job performance.
Involving the spouse/partner and family in employee relocation discussions is crucial for a successful move. It provides an open, yet confidential forum for the family to discuss the pros and cons of the relocation and alleviates any fear of the unknown. Companies should recognize that employee and family needs vary greatly, and an astute employer will provide support and assistance to both the employee and their family.
One aspect that often goes unnoticed is the spouse/partner's career. The loss of a job can be challenging, particularly for a trailing spouse, who is often the one to put their career aspirations on hold when relocating. However, companies can offer spouse/partner career support to help their partners navigate the local job market and secure employment opportunities.
Together Abroad's...
Empowering Knowledge Workers and Why Outplacement is Vital for Career Transitions

Empowering Knowledge Workers: Why Outplacement is Vital for Career Transitions
In today's rapidly evolving job market, career transitions have become a common occurrence for many knowledge workers. Whether it's due to changes in the industry, restructuring within a company, or personal growth aspirations, navigating a career transition can be both exciting and challenging. To ensure a smooth and successful transition, outplacement services have emerged as a vital resource for empowering knowledge workers.
But what exactly is outplacement? And why is it so crucial for knowledge workers? Let's delve deeper into this topic and explore the benefits of outplacement in empowering knowledge workers during career transitions.
Understanding Outplacement
Outplacement is a specialized service that provides support to individuals who are experiencing a job loss or career transition. It typically includes various resources, such as career coaching, job search assistance, resume and interview preparation, networking support, and emotional guidance. Outplacement services are usually offered by companies to their employees who are being laid off or made redundant, as a way to support their career transition and help them find new employment opportunities.
Importance of Outplacement for Knowledge Workers
Knowledge workers, who are professionals employed in fields such as technology, finance, marketing, and consulting, rely heavily on their...
Why the tightness is not caused by the ageing of the population

Why the tightness is not caused by the ageing of the population
The ageing population is often blamed for the current shortage. But is that really true, wonders Geert-Jan Waasdorp. Ageing is part of the explanation, but certainly not the cause. But what is? Why the shortage is not due to an ageing population
When looking for an explanation for the current personnel shortages, people often mention the ageing population. This argument comes up again and again. And I don't know how often you see a security guard or hospitality worker aged 50-plus (or even older), but ageing is certainly not an issue when it comes to staff shortages in agriculture, retail, logistics, hospitality or security. Maybe ageing is a small part of the cause of the shortage, but certainly not the cause. Of all starters in healthcare, 43% leave the sector (disappointed) within 2 years. Ageing has a much larger effect in, for example, education, government and healthcare. But here too, I would venture the theory that ageing is not the primary cause of personnel shortages. Of all the starters in the care sector, for example, 43% leave the sector (disappointed) within two years. Also within education, the turnover of young people is very...
Apply for paid parental leave at UWV

Apply for paid parental leave at UWV
As of August 2, 2022, employees will have the option of receiving benefits during 9 of the 26 weeks of parental leave. For this, the employer must submit an application to the UWV, after which the agency pays the benefit to the employer.
Legally, parental leave is currently unpaid. The Paid Parental Leave Act (WBO) (article) ensures that as of August 2, 2022, an employee can take nine weeks of parental leave for each child with benefit from UWV, provided that this leave falls within the child's first year of life. The same system applies to the benefit as to other benefits based on the Work and Care Act (WAZO): in principle, the employer applies for the benefit, although the UWV also corresponds with the employee about the application in order to reduce the risk of abuse of the scheme. The employer submits the application via Verzuimmelder or Digipoort, or with the form 'Application for WAZO benefit' on uwv.nl.
Employer pays benefit to employee
For 'regular' employees, the benefit amounts to 70% of their daily wage, but no more than 70% of the maximum daily wage. The maximum daily wage is currently € 228.76. For employees...
We are going German! Join our German Candidate Week

(Scroll down for English text)
From DACH to DUTCH. Erfahre wie du bequem von deinem eigenen Wohnzimmer aus in den niederländischen Arbeitsmarkt einsteigen kannst. In der Woche vom 21. Februar veranstalten wir Online-Informationsveranstaltungen, die von Deutschsprachigen für Deutschsprachige entwickelt wurden. Freue dich auf einen spannenden Austausch mit unseren Experten! Sie werden u.a. über folgende Themen sprechen:
• Niederländisches Arbeitsrecht
• Einen Job in den Niederlanden finden
• Kulturelle Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und den Niederlanden
Die Veranstaltung finden auf Deutsch statt und bieten dir die Möglichkeit auch andere Deutschsprachige kennenzulernen.
Der Ablauf:
15:45 - 16:00 Melde dich bei Zoom an
16:00 - 17:00 Workshop
Einführung in das niederländische Arbeitsrecht mit Wiebke Bonnet-Vogler
Datum: Montag, 21. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren Jobsuche in den Niederlanden mit Moritz Sahay
Datum: Mittwoch, 23. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren Leben und Arbeiten in den Niederlanden - Kulturelle Unterschiede und was dich erwartet mit Nina Pfisterer
Datum: Freitag, 25. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From DACH to Dutch. Learn how to jump into the Dutch job market from the comfort of your own living room. In the week of February 21st we are hosting online employment events...
Paid parental leave in the event of birth before 2 August 2022

On 2 August 2022, the Paid Parental Leave Act will enter into force. From then on, employees can take parental leave with a benefit from uwv. This can also be an option for employees whose child was born before 2 August 2022.
An employee is entitled to parental leave of 26 times the working hours per week per child. From 2 August 2022, a benefit from the UWV can be received for a maximum of nine of the 26 weeks of parental leave. This benefit must amount to 70% of the daily wage, with a maximum of 70% of the maximum daily wage. By introducing this benefit, the employee can take long-term paid leave around and after a birth. A condition for the benefit is that the employee takes the paid leave in the first year after the birth of the child (and in the case of adoption or foster care in the year after the child's admission to the family, if the child is under eight years of age). The law does not contain any specific transitional law for this paid leave: everyone who meets the conditions...
Retaining young talent

Retaining young talent
Flexible and hybrid working; no longer just a thing for young talent, but also for existing talent in organisations. It is now more and more in demand by all generations in the workplace, but for the younger generation the desire for flexible working is the strongest.
As an employer, you have to make policy on how to deal with the different generational wishes within your company, precisely in order to attract and retain talent. Today's young people have grown up in the digital age and, for example, working online is much more normal for this generation. I can see this in my 12-year-old daughter. She has just started secondary school and playdates are now a thing of the past. Communication takes place online and when I point out how we used to go to friends' houses without a mobile phone, she looks at me in amazement. Because then you sometimes visit someone for nothing!
Different generations
A generation consists of peers who are connected by a shared life history, circumstances and perception of the zeitgeist. A new generation is born approximately every 15 years. This group of people share the same social experience, which causes them to show similarities in attitude...
Diversity, equality and inclusion. 5 tips and tricks for writing your vacancy texts.

Within this tight labor market, it is important that a potential candidate immediately becomes enthusiastic about your vacancy. If your vacancy text does not emphasize what you are looking for, you can quickly lose candidates. It has also become even more important in this day and age to write inclusively. After all, you want to try to grab the largest possible target group. In this blog, we give you 5 tips & tricks for writing diverse, equal, and inclusive vacancy texts.
This may be an open door, but this part is often underestimated. If you have a lot of knowledge of something, you are often inclined to talk in technical terms. For someone who is just starting a career, this can be confusing and they will therefore drop out faster. If you are looking for someone with experience in the field, it can be good to use the real familiar terms. It is therefore important that you first have the right candidate in mind, and then adjust the vacancy text accordingly. Also try to avoid English terms, unless of course, it is an international function.
Vague language
Imagine you read the following sentence: ''For this spider-in-the-web function, we are looking for a real...
Are you facing redundancy as an Expat or International in the Netherlands?

It’s not an easy situation if you suspect you’re about to be made redundant, or if you already have been. And so ‘now what?’ is the foremost thought running through your mind. Change is coming for you and maybe for your family, and transitions aren’t easy or straightforward. The challenge is always insufficient planning to prepare you mentally and tactically with the right blend of skills and knowledge.
That’s why outplacement services are all about creating a real, actionable plan for you that helps you secure the next move in your career as you exit your current organization. This plan maximizes your chances of quick success to the next stage of your career.
What Outplacement Services Should Offer You as an Expat
We understand that redundancy is a tough thing for you as an Expat or International to face especially within a foreign country. If you are the employee-facing redundancy, you definitely need support to secure a new job. But you also need a company that is an expert within the Dutch Labour market and support you with all questions with regard to unemployment. What are the regulations if you wish to...
For an expat moving to the Netherlands, getting the right direction is very important. It's important that one knows which steps and direction to take. Linda is an exceptionally talent counselor, her advice has helped me land a job within a week of coming to the Netherlands. I am grateful for her mentoring and look forward to a great working relationship in the future.
Dr. Hrishiraj S | Clinical Research & Affairs Manager
Together Abroad provided expert advice on personal branding including developing a top-notch, market-aware CV, highly tailored job applications, and approach strategies with potential employers in the Netherlands. Furthermore, I found them be highly knowledgeable in key related fields such as recruitment strategy, immigration law, contracts, labor agreements, and (un)employment benefits. I would recommend Together Abroad to anyone who needs professional help with transitioning to a new career.
A. Aboufirass | Structural Engeer
Linda is a big mind. She thinks about things that the rest normally overlook. The insight she has about the dutch job market can only be achieved through years of experience and persistence.
Her business savvy is complemented by her mastery of understanding the client's needs and requirements. For my career I could say, she was the “Mary Poppins”, who guided me through thick and thin and helped me to land a career in the Netherlands
S. Bhattacharjee | FP&A Manager
Mr. C. Joubert
Lead Workplace Strategy Consultant