* Job Interview
How to talk about your experiences in an interview
"The 60 most frequently asked questions during a job interview"

Check our coachings programs: Togteher Abroad Programs
We often hear people say the interview went well but I didn't get the job. One reason might be because you didn't have enough knowledge or preparation. This is where Together Abroad comes in. We provide Interview training, other tips on what you need to know before going into an interview.
When you have a job interview, make sure you prepare the questions well. This will increase the chance that you will be hired!...
We are going German! Join our German Candidate Week

(Scroll down for English text)
From DACH to DUTCH. Erfahre wie du bequem von deinem eigenen Wohnzimmer aus in den niederländischen Arbeitsmarkt einsteigen kannst. In der Woche vom 21. Februar veranstalten wir Online-Informationsveranstaltungen, die von Deutschsprachigen für Deutschsprachige entwickelt wurden. Freue dich auf einen spannenden Austausch mit unseren Experten! Sie werden u.a. über folgende Themen sprechen:
• Niederländisches Arbeitsrecht
• Einen Job in den Niederlanden finden
• Kulturelle Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und den Niederlanden
Die Veranstaltung finden auf Deutsch statt und bieten dir die Möglichkeit auch andere Deutschsprachige kennenzulernen.
Der Ablauf:
15:45 - 16:00 Melde dich bei Zoom an
16:00 - 17:00 Workshop
Einführung in das niederländische Arbeitsrecht mit Wiebke Bonnet-Vogler
Datum: Montag, 21. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren Jobsuche in den Niederlanden mit Moritz Sahay
Datum: Mittwoch, 23. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren Leben und Arbeiten in den Niederlanden - Kulturelle Unterschiede und was dich erwartet mit Nina Pfisterer
Datum: Freitag, 25. Februar
Ort: Online
Online registrieren
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From DACH to Dutch. Learn how to jump into the Dutch job market from the comfort of your own living room. In the week of February 21st we are hosting online employment events...
We are going French! Join our French Candidate Weeks

We are going French! Join our French Candidate Weeks
Une escapade en France… en restant aux Pays-Bas. Vous y trouverez croissants, baguettes et macarons ! Durant la quinzaine du 27 Septembre au 8 Octobre, nous organisons un rendez-vous de l'emploi pour les francophones, par des francophones. Vous pourrez écouter des leaders d'opinion et des experts qui partageront leurs connaissances sur des sujets tels que : Les différences culturelles entre la France et les Pays-Bas Le CV aux Pays-Bas Le droit du travail néerlandais ou encore, Comment utiliser LinkedIn efficacement Cet événement se déroulera entièrement en français et vous y rencontrerez d'autres francophones résidant aux Pays-Bas.
Le planning :
Sur Place (Offline)*
14h45 - 15h00 arrivée sur place (à confirmer en fonction des règles sanitaires)
15h00 - 16h00 Atelier
16h00 - 17h00 Rencontre avec un recruteur
En Ligne (Online)
14h55 - 15h00 Connection des inscrits
15h00 - 16h00 Atelier
16h00 - 17h00 Rencontre avec un recruteur
*Nombre de places disponibles en fonction des mesures sanitaires en application aux Pays-Bas
Les Ateliers:
Droit du travail – les différences entre la France et les Pays-Bas par Wiebke Bonnet-Vogler
Date: Jeudi 30 Septembre
A: Bureau Undutchables à La Haye
S'inscrire Sur Place
S'inscrire En Ligne
Différences culturelles...
10 tips for making a good (first) impression

How do you leave a good impression, for example at a job application or at another important meeting? Professor of social psychology Roos Vonk wrote a book about how first impressions work and how people try to make a good impression. We picked out 10 practical tips to help you make a good impression.
The 10 tips
Tip 1: Understand how people make a first impression
In most cases a first impression is made automatically, without thinking about it. For example, we quickly know whether someone is confident or shy, spontaneous or closed, friendly or unfriendly, impulsive or indecisive. We deduce these things, for example, from what people do and say, the way they move and talk, their appearance and clothes. Our impression of a person is the result of an interaction between stereotyping, vague intuitions based on body language and external features and conscious reasoning and consideration. We are also influenced by the context and our interests, wishes and goals. And we take into account that people sometimes pretend to be something other than they are.
The fact that we do this so imperceptibly also has its drawbacks. We can of course be wrong about someone. Often we do not even realise it....
Working from home, the changing nature of interviews and hiring.

Working from home, the changing nature of interviews, and hiring. Interviews taking over from group interview exercises and challenges. it will be harder possibly to hire the people who best ‘fit’ if you cannot see them in person, and pick up on nonverbal communication over video calls.
The alarm goes off. It is time to get up and make your journey to work. You take the walk to work, where you stop for coffee, open up your computer and there you are, ready for your 9 am meeting with the team! This routine will of course now be familiar to millions...
The novel coronavirus pandemic has changed the world as we know it, with large numbers of people working from home and almost all businesses suffering its impact with no clear end in sight.
But what are the biggest changes in work, in particular, recruitment and interviewing? Here we will take a brief look at this and the remedies available, as well as conclude what company’s could to do to keep on top and thrive during this time.
The most significant change for most will be the transition to working from home (‘WFH’ being 2020’s most used acronym). The home has...
How to impress and shine in your next job interview?

You need to go through a few steps to get a job. First, you have to send your CV and hope that it is attractive enough for recruiters. If all your experiences and profile management can attract attention through your CV, you are chosen and called for an interview, but this is where the headache of many people begins.
Nervousness, anxiety, unpreparedness, many negative things can separate you from your long-dreamed job. Beyond your qualifications and skills, getting the job depends mainly on how you behave at the interview—what you do, what you say, and how you say it.
It is not enough to have a sparkling CV and all the key facts about the company and the role you are applying for at your fingertips. You will also need to know how to conduct yourself correctly to ensure you make a good impression.
To land the job, you will have to appear professional, confident, and capable. The hiring manager watches your communication skills and your manners to predict whether you will work well with others.
Therefore, if you want to impress and shine in your next interview job, you will have to:
Be well and professionally dressed
In general,...
5 Steps to Prepare for Generation Z

Generation Z (Gen Z) refers to the population born between 1995 and 2012—people of 23 years-old in average today—which will be forming the modern workforce, and that, according to United Nations, will account for 32 per cent of the global population in 2019. Compared to previous generations X (millennials of 48 years-old in average) and Y (32 years-old in average), Gen Z brings new characteristics to the table that represent a challenge and an opportunity to those companies aware of the emergence of this new talent wave.
Different generations usually differ, but there might be a special ground for challenge when current millennial managers are forced to interact with the young, ‘always on’ Gen Z. Understanding the differences between working generations then becomes a must for any company, rather than a choice. Millennials (Gen X), for example, are service oriented, enterprise focused, and storage managers; Gen Y focuses on press releases, they are bloggers and data analysts; and Gen Z are technological savants, online researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators.
Knowing the main traits of Gen Zis the fundamental starting point to prepare for this new generation of independent, competitive, entrepreneurial, and technological workers. Bruce Anderson—lead writer for the talent blog of...
How Does Behaviour and Attitude Affect Your Job Prospects?

It has been a while since my last job interview, so last June, I was a bit nervous when I received an invitation to give a short presentation to my potential new managers. For me, the difficulty is not so much as to what to say—that part I can thoroughly research and rewrite (I use the STAR method). The part I find most nerve-wracking is adapting my attitude and behaviour within the first moments of the interview itself.
Personality Traits
Up to a certain point, attitude and behaviour can be prepared. There are some do’s and don’ts that one is advised to heed. I know my traits and I can give examples when necessary, but what kind of candidate the employer is looking for is not always an exact science. One of the most often heard rejections is ‘you are not the right fit for the organization.’
Still, as the interviewee, there are ways to gain some control in this. Collecting information on the personality traits the company is looking for in a candidate could be one of the actions to undertake before applying for a job. For example, I called the contact person for a job vacancy and inquired...
Jobseeker’s Diaries: Job interview Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned

In previous jobs, and now in my role as a content writer, I have made a lot of mistakes. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly during dozens of conducted job interviews, and I am consistently amazed at how basic the things are that usually go wrong.
My first job interview is one of those awkward events in life that keep me awake at night. I was eager to make a good impression, so I decided to go there at least 30 minutes in advance. It was not something unusual for me – I am well-known among my friends for always being too early for appointments. I found the building on time and quickly oriented myself to the waiting room. Little did I know that arriving too soon could be disruptive to the hiring manager’s schedule! She was clearly irritated, and this is where we got off the wrong foot. I did, however, do my “homework” for the company in advance, that is, I did my research and prepared for their questions. I kept repeating my scripted monologue over and over in my head while entering the interview room. She asked me if I would like a...
For an expat moving to the Netherlands, getting the right direction is very important. It's important that one knows which steps and direction to take. Linda is an exceptionally talent counselor, her advice has helped me land a job within a week of coming to the Netherlands. I am grateful for her mentoring and look forward to a great working relationship in the future.
Dr. Hrishiraj S | Clinical Research & Affairs Manager
Together Abroad provided expert advice on personal branding including developing a top-notch, market-aware CV, highly tailored job applications, and approach strategies with potential employers in the Netherlands. Furthermore, I found them be highly knowledgeable in key related fields such as recruitment strategy, immigration law, contracts, labor agreements, and (un)employment benefits. I would recommend Together Abroad to anyone who needs professional help with transitioning to a new career.
A. Aboufirass | Structural Engeer
Linda is a big mind. She thinks about things that the rest normally overlook. The insight she has about the dutch job market can only be achieved through years of experience and persistence.
Her business savvy is complemented by her mastery of understanding the client's needs and requirements. For my career I could say, she was the “Mary Poppins”, who guided me through thick and thin and helped me to land a career in the Netherlands
S. Bhattacharjee | FP&A Manager
Mr. C. Joubert
Lead Workplace Strategy Consultant