Monthly Employment Article
The Underground adds a new topic related to employment to its printed edition. The aim of this new topic is to help its readers have a better understanding of how to succeed in a job search in the Netherlands.
According to, the rate of unemployment in the Netherlands is rising rapidly and currently points at 7% of the workforce. As part of The Underground’s commitment to assist the community of The Hague with its needs, the paper will publish a monthly article regarding employment from March 2013 onwards. The aim of this new content is to help The Underground’s readers have a better understanding of how to succeed in job searches and eventually, to decrease the unemployment rate among The Hague’s residents.
Linda van Orsouw-Groener and Irina Eschbach from Together Abroad will be in charge of the content for this new topic. The experience and knowledge of this company in the recruiting field guarantees a monthly article full of tips, tricks, and best practices for finding that perfect job in the Netherlands!
From The Underground, we want to thank Together Abroad for collaborating with us and allowing us to keep providing the international and local communities of The Hague with interesting and useful content.
About The Underground :
The Underground is a monthly English newspaper that emerged from the desire to connect the international and local communities living in The Hague. The company’s mission is to dig deep for information and knowledge to engage our readers and help them develop a ‘home’ connection to The Hague. We do so by boosting their social engagement and encouraging a feeling of belonging, as well as encouraging their participation in the many events taking place in the region. For more info visit
About Together Abroad:
Together Abroad is a niche Job Board for internationals, a career portal where you can apply for multilingual or bilingual jobs and internships or volunteer opportunities in the Netherlands. Together Abroad is your first stop to start your new career and search for the perfect job where speaking Dutch is not necessarily a requirement! Together Abroad also offers support to international individual employees in order to be successful in the employment market, such as, career coaching, CV/Resume and motivation letter optimisation, and interview training. Together Abroad organises workshops and seminars, such as: How to Get a Job in the Netherlands, Job Interview Training, Basic Dutch Labour Law Rules and Perfecting your Presentation Skills. For more info visit