After two long years of pandemic restrictions, we at VTH are thrilled to announce that we're finally holding in-person events once again! For our first event, we'll be holding our popular Mix & Match Volunteer Job Fair on Thursday, 19 May! Join us to meet representatives from local NGOs and service organizations, meet fellow expats so that you can expand your social and professional circles, and learn important tips about the job market and volunteering from our guest speakers. Space is limited, so visit the event page to learn more about the event and register:
Interested in volunteering? Then come visit booths with local non-profits that are eager to work with volunteers and do not require Dutch language fluency, and mingle with fellow internationals!
Join Volunteer The Hague project and dozens of the local non-profits on Thursday, 19 May for a Mix & Match Volunteer Job Fair, taking place from 11:30 to 14:30 at The Hague Humanity Hub City Centre!
During the event, there will be two special guests who will speak about topics of great importance in our community. As always, this event will be attended by many other local expats with whom you can network and share your experiences and tips about living in The Hague region, in addition to some NGOs and nonprofit organizations that are eager to work with internationals! These organizations focus on a wide variety of interests, including animal care, human rights, social justice, refugee and migrant assistance, homelessness, elderly care, child care, the environment, and so much more. So there is something for everyone, no matter your background or specialization! This event is also a good chance for professional networking for volunteer and other opportunities as well. And remember, Dutch language fluency is NOT required!
Event details:
Date: Thursday, 19 May 2022
Time: 11:30 – 14:30
Location: Humanity Hub City Centre, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ Den Haag
Event page: https://www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/Volunteer-The-Hague/opportunities/51484
Event Program:
11:30 – Opening of the Volunteer Job Fair and welcome notes.
12:00 - 12:15 Presentation “Expats Connected: Jobs, Volunteering and Working in The Hague" by Gerko Visée from The Hague International Centre.
13:00 - 13:15 Presentation “How volunteering can positively impact your job prospects and professional life” by Tetyana Benzeroual from Volunteer The Hague of PEP Den Haag.
14:00 - 14:15 Interviews with experienced volunteers and interesting guests.
14:30 – Closing of the Fair and closing remarks.
Volunteer The Hague is an online resource for expats and internationals who are interested in volunteer opportunities in and around The Hague, connecting them with local non-profits that are eager to work with international volunteers. We do this by providing a space for local organizations to list local volunteer opportunities that do not require Dutch fluency. Internationals can browse these vacancies or use search options that can match their interests and skillsets with specific opportunities. We also provide informational resources and hold informative workshops and networking events year-round.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call Tetyana Benzeroual at 06-5341 49 40 or email t.benzeroual@pepdenhaag.nl
#volunteerthehague #thehague #denhaag #volunteering #netherlandsexpats #internationals #expatnetworking