“Take away the frustration of having to constantly apply to no avail, only to be given the option: no longer available”, said labour sociologist Jan Cremers.
Unemployed older people have difficulty getting a job, partly because they are more expensive for employers than younger people. Arrangements for employers to make hiring the elderly more attractive do not seem to work.
Cremers found that elderly people who were out of work during the crises and in the IOW, were in a scheme for unemployed people over sixty who were no longer entitled to unemployment benefits. Then they received 70% of the minimum wage.
The labour sociologist receives approval from CNV Professionals. Chairman Piet Fortuin from that union finds that an arrangement should come for unemployed people over 55, because from that age the perspective on work is less. “We therefore believe that over-55s who are volunteers or carers, should be exempt from the obligation to seek work”.
Too Early
In the Chamber, Cremers still seems to count on little support. The Labour Party stopping at 55 too early. “I’m here to protect near-retirees. Even if they do voluntary work or care giving, stopping to apply for work from 55 is really too early”, said Labour MP Roos Vermeij.
“We are actually in the reverse process, to make valuable people with experience attractive to employers and eliminate prejudices”.
“Writing off people over 55 does injustice to their great qualities and value to society”, says D66 MP Steven Van Weyenberg.
“We need to invest more in guidance and opportunities for older job seekers. Those especially who want to find a job, and who find unemployment benefits terrible”.
Source: nl.nl