The move to a university is according to Terpstra often a waste of talent , because many students are not suited for a scientific training programs.
They will profit much more from a practical in a practical, vocational training master program .
According Terpstra youth is 'doomed ' to go after the VWO or HBO to university, even if the student in question is not at all suitable for science education and fits much better the practical higher education.
And for students who want to continue their education after HBO and to follow a -time or part-time program , the only option is a university.
"In this way vocational education is made inferior ," says Terpstra. "If a child at the age of twelve is going to VWO , you almost certainly know that he or she is twelve years late will have r a university diploma . If he or she would like to go HBO , it is seen as inferior. "
Since a few years , there are a few professional -oriented masters.
Terpstra is convinced that the two masters (at a univerity and HBO) can coexist with each other . ''One can have a practical and applied research in the HBO and the fundamental scientific research at the university. So no talent and money wasted by students who end up on the wrong place".
Source: Nu.nl