In fact, the MBA Career market has been improving in recent times. Figures from GMAT show that 75% of employers from around the world plan to hire recent MBAs in 2013, compared to just 71% in 2012. Of course an MBA is not a guarantee of a job; it can just help to open doors. And the GMAT survey shows that 56% of employers still consider prior experience to be extremely important when choosing between business school MBA talent.
Internationally Recognized
One of the distinct advantages of the MBA qualification is that it is an internationally recognized and respected qualification which means you will be viewed as a top candidate in most countries around the world if you possess one.
Help with Visas
If you need to apply for a work visa to take up in employment in the Netherlands or any country in the world, a MBA can help to show that you are a highly educated candidate. And as a general rule of thumb, the more educated you are, the more chance you have of qualifying for a work visa for a country, so your internal career chances after an MBA are enhanced dramatically.
Good Business School
Your career chances and employability after an MBA do depend to some extent on your chosen business school. Research reported in the New York Times shows that MBA employers tend to favour applicants from a short list of 150 top business schools in America, Europe and Asia.
But, the good news is that MBA Employers in Europe and the Netherlands are less focused on the school than in the US, according to Dorothy Grandia, part of the M.B.A. career development center at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. So, if you have the right skills and experience, your career chances after an MBA are excellent in the Netherlands, no matter what business school you come from.
Of course, your career chances will be improved if you attend a good business school and some of the top business schools in the Netherlands in addition to the Rotterdam School mentioned above are: Nyenrode Business University, Maastricht School of Management (MSM), Amsterdam Business School, and TiasNimbas Business School.
MBA Career Market in The Netherlands
The MBA Career is strong throughout the world, including the Netherlands. Top business schools in the Netherlands will have strong links with all the main MBA employers in the country, so the business school's career centre is a great way to tap into the MBA career market in the Netherlands. You'll be able to attend networking events and attend careers events via the business school where employers favouring MBA graduates will be present.
So, what kind of positions are open to you after an MBA?
Typically, a MBA graduate will have at least 10 years work experience before starting the course and perhaps will be looking to progress or operate in a more strategic capacity. Therefore as an executive, be that in accounting, HR, marketing, sales, or technology etc.., if you are looking to progress into more strategic managerial roles such as Directors and Vice Presidents, CEOs etc.. an MBA will be looked on very favourably by employers hiring for more senior positions. The sort of positions that an MBA will set you up well for are Chief Operating Officer, Operations Director. Commercial Director, Sales and Marketing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, HR Director, Management Consultant, and many more.
Find moreabout careerchances after MBA during the ‘Are you ready for an MBA?’ Event on 31/08/2013. Register now!!!!