Here are some tips for being late for work;
• Be fully aware of the company’s tardiness policy
Make sure to follow the proper protocol concerning tardiness at work.
• Warn others on your late arrival
If you are stuck in traffic or need to arrange a baby sitter, immediately contacting your supervisor is a good approach.
• Let your boss know you arrived late
Your boss will respect you more for owning up to your mistakes and honestly explaining the reason of your tardiness than not confronting him or lying about it.
• Contact your co-workers or clients that you left waiting
Your tardiness may cause supervisors or co-workers to become angry and frustrated, make sure to remain professional by accepting their reaction, staying calm and apologizing for the extra work or inconvenience your late arrival has caused.
If being late on a frequently basis is your daily challenge, identifying the problem is the key and making a commitment is essential. Here are some tips on getting to work on time;
• Set their alarm 15 minutes earlier
• Prepare outfits and lunch the night before to save time in the morning
• Ask to work flexibly and start half an hour later
Always remember that being punctual and reliable can do wonders for someone’s career.
By: Marguerite Hodge