Chinese success and growth in Amsterdam
With more than 70 Chinese companies already present in the Amsterdam Area, HLH will find that many customers are located just around the corner. For example, Huawei, one of their biggest clients, has established their European headquarters in the Amsterdam Area. And according to HLH Consulting, the international attraction of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area automatically appeals to other foreign companies and candidates to whom they can offer their services. With a solid base of Chinese companies doing business in the region, the establishment of HLH will surely prove to be a success. It adds to the large pool of internationally oriented professional services providers already present in the area.
Huawei in Amsterdam
Huawei opened its office in the Amsterdam Area in 2005. Since then, the company has grown significantly in both Europe and in the rest of the world. Victor Chen, who helped to set up the Amsterdam office, told Proud Amsterdam in 2007 why Amsterdam was the right choice as their European base.
Source: Iamsterdam