Interview with Team Coach Sylvia Melzer
“I believe we can have more fun and create better results if we learn to understand and appreciate each other. I want to better the workplace.”
Sylvia Melzer works as a Team Coach, Organizational Advisor, and Interim Manager. Her extensive 20+ years working in teams herself, in a variety of roles from manager to consultant to projects, provides her with the experience and skill sets needed to navigate the highs and lows of teamwork. Sylvia Melzer has a bicultural upbringing, whereby she is sensitive to the nuances of cultural differences and she is a keen observer of human behavior, curious to understand why people do what they do. She is happily married with three sons.
What services do you offer your clients?
I offer a team profile that shows the strengths and weaknesses of the team as a whole, giving information about what competences need to be developed in order to improve the performance of the team. The team profile consists of the individual profiles in the team, based on individual online assessments. These profiles show strengths, differences and preferences of the individuals and the team as a whole and offer a direct way to address issues and opportunities. The profiles help to understand, overcome and use differences, in order to create a solid foundation for team performance.
Based on the challenges of the team and the team profile, I develop a customized team approach, varying from a half-day session to multiple day programmes over the period of several months.
Team sessions address goals, roles, behaviour, interactions, and solutions in order to improve team performance.
Why do companies outsource such help?
1. Usually because management does not know how to deal with difficult and tiring situations in teams, and how to realize change in behaviour and/or culture in order to improve team performance and realize KPI’s. They want specialized help to deal with group dynamics, and to create the necessary change and desired culture for a better outcome and performance.
2. Another reason is when management wants to participate along in the team program, rather than take on the organizational or coaching role.
3. Sometimes, management lacks the time or energy to do the change management needed, and so they outsource part of their job (which still requires time on their part, because they are then part of the ‘problem’, but they need to be included as part of the solution).
How do you envision a need at companies for your services?
Lack of results or focus
• Poor results from the team.
• Team is not aligned with the goals or keep discussing the goals.
• Absentees due to illness, stress, burn-outs, or toxic atmosphere.
• Excessive workload and stress.
• Poor image of the team within the organization and inability to pursue tasks.
• Low customer satisfaction (customers can include other teams or departments).
Lack of engagement
• Manager does not know how to manage and/or motivate the team.
• Poor ownership – no one feels responsible at the job or cares about the quality.
• Passive team that constantly needs managers directions.
Conflict and difficult relations in the team
• Miscommunication and misunderstandings, conflict amongst team members.
• Long or inconclusive decision-making processes.
What changes have you experienced at companies after your services?
The most important change is ‘relief’. There is more confidence (in self and future) and more trust (in one another), generally resulting in energy and enthusiasm to collaborate and create results together. The team now has the confidence they will manage.
Other positive changes depend on the type of team coached, and can include:
• Awareness of goals and focus on results.
• Clarity or consensus about goals to achieve.
• Improved interaction, quicker understanding, and a willingness to understand one another, resulting in improved decision-making and timely results.
• Courage to discuss difficult issues with one another.
• Awareness of the various talents within the team and how to utilize them.
• Improved relations with the manager.
• Improved awareness by the manager of his/her role and the effects of his/her behavior on the team.
• Willingness to ask for help and to offer help.
• Improved image of the team within the organization.
• Understanding of own behavior and its drivers as well as effects.
• Increased feedback.
• Improved ownership (responsibility) and willingness to hold each other accountable.
• Customer focus.
• Improved overall atmosphere of cooperation and interest.
Do you recognize any of these problems in your organization? Does your team need an intervention? Together Abroad works in collaboration with Sylvia Melzer, let us help you overcome any problems through our extensive coaching experience and proven methods. Do not hesitate to contact us for a solution.
Written by Samir Rawas Sarayji for Together Abroad.