Looking for work and recruitment is not matched well. Jobseekers looking for work and the SME looking for staff are not in tune.
Where jobseekers mainly refer to online recruitment sites (95%) and temping agencies (83%) when looking for work, SME entrepreneurs mainly use their own websites (65%) and their own private network (53%) when looking for staff. Jobseekers directly checking the website of a company is only found in seventh place according to the TNO (Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research) and employment agency Unique’s MKB Marktmonitor (SME Market Monitor) of 2011/2012.
Social Media
Social media are used by both parties when looking for work/staff but the traditional means still come out on top. 22 percent of jobseekers say that they look for work by using a search function on social networks and 13 percent of them use these networks to place an appeal. 29% of SME employers place vacancies on social media. Additionally, 20% use the search function when recruiting staff. LinkedIn is most popular with both groups.
Source: MKB Marktmonitor