How to write a Chronological CV in the Netherlands
Personal Information
Obigatory: Mention your name, full address, email, phone
Desirable to mention: nationality, photo, workpermit if required
Not necessary: B-day, BSN number, marital state, children, driving licence, etc.
Put this infomation in the header to save space for the resume!
Personal profile
Tell your story! Give a short description of who you are, mention your goal and your skills.
Education: Start with your highest education.
Courses: Mention only the relevant courses which you attended in your own country or in the Netherlands
Work experience
- Information:
- the dates,
- branche,
- name of the function
- ALL the responsibilities which you had to perform.
- Use bullet teksts.
- Explain all the gaps between the jobs within your resume.
Computer skills
Mention all the programs you have worked with
Hobbies are often more important than your achievements !