Expat Center South

Company profile

Holland Expat Center South is a joint initiative of the participating municipalities, the Immigration and Naturalisation Services (IND),the Brabant Development Agency (BOM), Brainport Development, Midpoint Brabant, and the provinces of Noord-Brabant and Limburg.

Expats can obtain regional information about procedures, housing, taxation, finance & insurance, education & careers, personal & social needs, culture & leisure and much more at the Expat Center South in Tilburg, Eindhoven and Maastricht.

Technology and Design brought together to enhance innovation in more creative and functional ways than you can count. If this speaks to your imagination; if this fuels your ambition, then follow your heart. It will lead you to the Southeast Netherlands!

The Southeast Netherlands has brought forth many well known innovative companies. There is no limit to the innovative challenges and opportunities that the Southeast Netherlands offers to (international) knowledge workers and students.

Aside from being an innovative hotspot, the Southeast Netherlands also has a lot to offer on a personal level. The hospitality of the people in the provinces Noord-Brabant and Limburg - a lively region with a rich cultural history - will make you feel at home soon.

Expatguideholland.com strives to make the transition to a new home in a new country as smooth as possible. If you have any questions in regards to settling or living in the Southeast Netherlands, and if you cannot find the answer to your question on this website, don't hesitate to contact us!

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Locations and directions

How to Find Holland Expat Center South | Eindhoven
Kennedyplein 200
5611 ZT Eindhoven

How to Find Holland Expat Cente South | Maastricht
Mosae Forum 10
6211 DW Maastricht

How to Find Holland Expat Center South | Tilburg
Stadhuisplein 128
5038 TC Tilburg

Eindhoven: eindhoven@hollandexpatcenter.com
Maastricht: maastricht@hollandexpatcenter.com
Tilburg: tilburg@hollandexpatcenter.com

If you have a question or a comment, please use the form below to contact us --and one of our experts will respond to your questions as quickly as possible!


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