Royal Dutch Gazelle N.V.

Company profile

Royal Dutch Gazelle employs around 450 employees at its factory in Dieren producing more than 300,000 bicycles a year. Gazelle is market leader in the Netherlands and also works hard at growing the organisation outside the country. Ever since our company was incorporated in 1892 quality has always come first. In 1996, the Gazelle quality system was certified in accordance with ISO-9001 norms. Gazelle is the only Dutch bicycle manufacturer with this certification.

We are proud of our Royal title which was awarded to us by Princess Margriet on the occasion of our centenary celebrations in 1992. An honour which further serves to cement our moral duty to continue to innovate. To remain at the forefront with smart inventions to make cycling more enjoyable or easier.

You see, at Gazelle, we believe: the better your bike is, the more often you will cycle! Ever since 1892 we have been doing everything in our power to make the finest quality bikes that provide the smoothest and most comfortable ride possible. This is how Gazelle makes you ‘feel like cycling’ every day.

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Our story

Cycling must not be an effort, on the contrary, it should energise you. Your bike should make you feel like cycling again every day so you can enjoy the open air, the countryside and the exercise. You will cycle smartly past the city traffic queues and will not need to worry about finding a place to park. Just feeling the wind in your hair, or clearing your head after a day’s work: it means getting back home relaxed…

To accomplish that feeling, a bike is only worthy of the Gazelle name if it has the perfect threefold combination of a delightfully smooth ride, smart design and robust quality. Because at Gazelle we believe: the better your bike is, the more often you will cycle! Ever since 1892 we have been doing everything in our power to make the finest quality bikes that provide the smoothest and most comfortable ride possible. This is how Gazelle makes you ‘feel like cycling’ every day.

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Address:Wilhelminaweg 8
Postal code:6951 BP